Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gov't should stay outta their church, but get into others' bedroom---Republicon whackadoodles

Jillian Rayfield reported  that David Barton, a fundie/social conservative...and radio talk show host, wants to "regulate homosexuality". Yessirreee---this whacko would scream to the highest shrill level about corporate regulation, health care regulation, but he has no problem, in fact encourages, private citizen bedroom regulation!
Mr. Barton, who likes to make up history to back up his bigotries, has asserted on his radio show that the gomminent should regulate homosexuality because of his asserted "facts" about it:
Barton was talking about the Health care bill and our government's involvement in the health of Americans when he went off the deep end of intolerance about homosexuality with "research" from the CDC. He continued:
So if I got to the Centers for Disease Control and I'm concerned about health, I find some interesting stats there and this should tell me something about health. Homosexual/bi-sexual individuals are seven times more likely to contemplate or commit suicide. Oooh, that doesn't sound very healthy.
No, no it doesn't sound very healthy...but the only thing I found on the CDC about this was that it was sympomatic of the detrimental, bigoted views of the population, rather than being gay.
 Homosexuals die decades earlier than heterosexuals. That doesn't sound healthy.
Couldn't find this stat anywhere, except in some of the articles about AIDS and those were at least 10 years old, nothing current--so Mr. Fundie also should have the monniker LIAR?
 Nearly one-half of practicing homosexuals admit to 500 or more sex partners and nearly one-third admit to a thousand or more sex partners in a lifetime.
Again, I couldn't find anything that backs up what he says on the CDC site although I did not check out all of the 134 results, only the first 10 or so.....maybe there's something on there from the 70's or 80's.
 He concluded his diatribe by saying that from what he's seen, it doesn't seem very healthy and we should regulate homosexuality...after my research of him and his alleged research, I think it would be much better to regulate his LYING.
Now, this idjit has testified as an "expert" before the Texas Board of Education(ok....yes, that IS an oxymoron), goes on Glen Beck's show with his revisionist history, but also has been very involved in different campaigns such as Marco Rubio, Sharon Angle and John McCain.
And now, we have the crazy whackadoodle running against Cuomo in New York, speaking to Orthodox Jews about homosexuals and how we should not be brainwashed about homosexuality and believes that homosexuality is dysfunctional. He allegedly he only feels that gay marriage is wrong. His remarks came just hours after the news story about the 3 men who had been held against their will, tortured and sodomized because some gang members just thought they were gay.
And these idiots flaunt their religions, along with their bigotry and try to hide behind the first ammendment--when they don't want to take responsibility for their words or even tell the truth.

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