Saturday, April 24, 2010

The poll called the Wrong House!

Or maybe the right one.
I'm watching my baby granddaughter and we both lay down to take a nap -- hey its hard work to watch a 2 month old! So, of course the phone rings. I answer the phone to find out its a poll(although no human, just computer generated). So here I go:
Do you approve or disaprove of the way President Obama is handling the economy--the bailout of the banks and takeover of the healthcare industry(hmmm....can we say push poll?)? I approve.
If the governor's race was held today, would you vote for Quinn or Brady(I live in Illinois)?
Senator Meeks has introduced a bill to allow parents to choose where they want to send their children to school - for moral, academic and safety standards...this allows parents to choose the best education for their children, if the so choose(like parents who don't like this obviously are bad parents). Do you support this bill?
No--Sen. Meeks is rightfully trying to assist his constituents, who live in Chicago. Although I agree with his reasons, I don't agree with the bill. Instead of trying to destroy our public school system(shrub, reagan already did a pretty good job nationally and Illinois has a very regressive tax system which hurts school systems).
Governor Quinn says he will veto this bill if it passes, does this change your vote for Governor?
Representative Brady says he would enact the ability for parents to see that their children get the education they deserve(like the wording? IOW, if the parents aren't rich enough, they don't deserve a good education?). Would this change your vote for governor?
No--Brady has also voted consistently against childcare, worker's rights, women's reproductive choices(including cutting funding for birth control to poor women, only funding birth control for married women) and recently re-introduced a "cost cutting" bill that animal control kill shelters should do mass gassing of pets when their time is up instead of individual--this was made illegal years ago because of the emotional cost--to workers, volunteers, and the fact that there would be animals that would not die during the mass gassing and then would have to be gassed...again. He also has voted against breast cancer research grants--notice a pattern here?
Are you pro life? mean anti-abortion? No...and obviously Brady isn't pro life either---see my last paragraph.
Governor Quinn wants to raise taxes and not cut spending to help get Illinois out of its budget crisis. Do you agree or disagree with Quinn?
Agree--Illinois has a very regressive tax structure and its stuck in the 70's. We are doomed with the "flat tax" and it shows that it doesn't work. House Bill 174 not only increases the personal income tax from 3% to 5, but it also increases the personal exemption from $2000 to 3000 per exemption and doubles the credit for property taxes, family would actually have received about $1000 more this year as a refund--what's wrong with that? Oh....shoot....I forgot...I actually know what I'm talking about.
Representatvie Bradley wants to cut spending and not raise your taxes...Do you support Brady's plan?
HELL NO. We've been "cutting" so much in the budget for the past couple years there is little to be able to cut without hurting services--one place that everyone is talking about cutting is senior services----we're going to cut services to seniors???? Really??? And that's fair how????? Oh, and of course children, prisons and mental health--line staff, not executive.....Illinois, although we have the 5th highest wealth in the 50 United States(and if we were a country, we'd have a larger bankroll than Saudi Arabia!) has the least amount of state employees. Want to see lines? Get a driver's license on a Saturday.
And the last question?
Do you support civil unions or homosexual marriage and homosexuals in the military where our troops would be subject to homosexuality in thier units, their bunkers, their barracks mess halls, quarters bathrooms(and about 8 other places, but I couldn't remember them all)?
AGREE! I really couldn't believe the wording on the last question...OMG such a crock!
Of course after that they asked my gender and my age....wonder if they'll ever poll my house again. I obviously didn't fit their idea of a "good" voter. But then it pays not to be a low information voter. This poll was sponsored by the Illinois Family Council...wonder whose family, cuz I sure wouldn't want my family included in their bigotry and stupidity.

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