Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Senator Landrieu's breakin = "orleansgate"?

FBI authorities arrested four men on felony charges for attempting to enter Sen. Mary Landrieu’s New Orleans office by fraudulent means, including one so-called "filmmaker".

Arrested were 25-year-old James O’Keefe(he did the videos of ACORN last year using some very bad acting), Joseph Basel, Robert Flanagan and Stan Dai, all 24. They were charged with enterting federal property under false pretenses and attempting to gain access to the senator's office by posing as telephone repairmen.

Robert Flanagan just happens to be the son of Acting U. S. Attorney, Bill Flanagan of Shreveport, LA. Also, there has been a listening device was picked up a couple of blocks away in a car.

The complaint stated that Flanagan and Basel entered the office, "wearing light green fluorescent vests, denim paints and blue work shirts, tool belts and hard-hats." They told a staff member that they were phone repair men and needed access to the main phone at the receiption desk. then they attempted to get access to the telephone closet so they could work on the entire system(much easier to criminally tap phones that way). When asked for ID's, the men said they left them in the car and walked out. They were arrested soon afterward.

O’Keefe made waves last year when he posed as a pimp and taped ACORN employees humoring him(or more likely, making fun of him) by discussing a prostitution ring. Of course the reich wing media took his little video and turned it into their form of truth.

So, in what realm of rightnutwing world is criminal activity approved? Oh...I forgot as long as its against the Democratic party, its ok....the rules and laws don't apply to republicants.

O'Keefe is the defendent in 2 lawsuits involving his ACORN scam.

Didn't these idiots learn anything from Watergate?!?!?!!?

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